【9/29-10/7@北京】CAET World Forum

中国のCreative Arts Education and Therapy (CAET)のTonyさんから国際ワークショップのお知らせが届きました。

Healing Soul through Arts – Connecting Eastern and Western Wisdom

The mission of the Forum is to establish a platform to further communication, dialog and cooperation between the East and West regarding the arts in therapy, education and human understanding. The theme of the Forum 2019 is *Healing Soul through Arts – Connecting Eastern and Western Wisdom*. The keynotes, presentations, workshops, roundtable meetings, art exhibition and performances at the Forum will highlight the development of arts education and therapy in China and the world. About 300 participants from China and overseas are expected. Professor Shaun McNiff, one of the founders of expressive arts therapy, co-editor-in-chief of* CAET*, will deliver the keynote at the forum. This is an excellent opportunity to present your work and to network with Chinese and international colleagues.

The CAET World Forum rotates between China/Asia, Europe and America in partnership with well-established universities and institutes.

I attach the tentative program for your reference. The deadline of proposal submission is *May 1, 2019*. The contributors of the conferences will get reduction rate. Register online at this page.

Hope to see you all in Beijing, China this October!

Best regards,

Tony Zhou
PhD, CMA (Certified Movement Analyst)
Executive Editor, Founder
Creative Arts Education and Therapy (CAET) – *Eastern and Western

詳細:CEAT World Forum 公式サイト
主催:Creative Arts Education and Therapy (CAET) 

[gview file=”https://jadta.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/CAET-WF2019.pdf”]